Tropical Fruit Foodie


Durian fruit with white background, tropical fruit

King of Fruits

Rich in vitamins

Boosts immune system

Durian fruit with white background, tropical fruit


King of Fruits

Rich in vitamins

Boosts immune system

The Durian is a tropical Asian fruit belonging to the genus Durio, there are a total of 30 fruits belonging to this fruit species.

Durian is called ”King of Fruits”. The reason is because this fruit has a special taste and contains more nutrients than any  other tropical fruit.

These tropical fruits are about 12 inches tall and 6 inches wide and can weigh up to 11lbs.

The fruit is known for its strong aroma and unique shape and taste. Its smell is so strong that it is banned in public transportation.

Above all, Durian is a healthy fruit with special properties that make it special. 


This tropical king of fruits is a popular fruit especially in Asian countries. Durian is mainly grown in Indonesia and Thailand.

Originally, the fruit comes from Malaysia. There it has been used for hundreds of years in healthy recipes and to reduce medical complaints.

You may be put off by the smell of the fruit and think, ”I’m not going to eat this!”

But do your best to eat a piece, because you definitely don’t want to miss this taste.

Durian tropical fruit growing on a tree in nature


The fruit, Durian is famous for its fragrance, for being the king of fruits and for its health benefits.

What about the taste! The taste of the Durian is difficult to describe because it has its own unique flavor.

But think about  something sweet, creamy and powerful in taste.

A texture of soft and firm at the same time but very easy to eat. Exceptionally high in essential nutrients.

Durian tropical fruit pulp on a plate


Did you know this? Durians can be frozen whole! This allows you to keep the fruit fresh for up to months.

If you plan to eat durian fresh you can keep it in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

Always try to eat it as soon as possible because 1 day can already have an impact on the taste.

These amazing fruits can contribute to your health and improve your digestion and immunity, for example.


May help strengthen libido

Beneficial for mental state of mind

Rich in vitamins

Boosts immune system

Helps lower blood pressure

Read the explanation of the health benefits here

Durian tropical fruit displaying on a table

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