Tropical Fruit Foodie


Coconut with white background, tropical fruit

Multifaceted fruit


Rich in fiber

Coconut with white background, tropical fruit


Extremely rich in fiber

Energy boost

Popular fruit

Discover fresh coconut! Did you know that a coconut is not a nut but a stone fruit? This is because the brown nut is protected by a stringy strong husk.

A coconut consists of 4 layers: The shell, coconut fibers, nut and pulp. Then you reach the healthy coconut water.

Coconuts are becoming increasingly popular because you can easily use this tropical fruit entirely.

This fruit is considered a superfood because it has tremendous health benefits. Coconuts have been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine.


Coconuts grow on a palm tree, in subtropical and tropical areas, these palms can grow up to 98 feet tall.

The origin is difficult to determine because the fruit grows worldwide.

Scientist think that the origin of the coconut may be in West Africa and Southeast Asia.

A fresh coconut is not brown and hairy like in the supermarket, no! Really fresh coconuts are green or made ready to eat/drink, then they are white in color.

Coconuts growing on a palm tree in nature


The coconut water found in the core of the coconut is deliciously refreshing and exceptionally healthy.

It is the only tropical fruit with such an immense amount of natural electrolytes.

The taste of a fresh coconut is best described as mildly sweet with a nutty flavor.

Coconuts are a perfect ingredient for many healthy recipes. You can also process coconuts into powder, oil, paste and much more.

Fresh coconuts displayed on a table


After you have had a great culinary experience with coconuts. You want to preserve the remaining coconut, of course.

First, never store coconut for long; it quickly loses flavor and dries out. Your best bet would be to process the leftover coconut meat into a preserve.

The big advantage is that coconut never loses its nutritional value and health benefits.

Fresh airtight packed coconut meat is best stored in the refrigerator. If you don’t seal it airtight it will stay fresh for about 2 to 3 days.


Support immune system

Beneficial for skin & hair

Great for digestive health

Rich in fiber

Boosts your energy

Read the explanation of the health benefits here

Open coconuts with coconut oil and powder on a table

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