Tropical Fruit Foodie

Red Dragon Fruit

Purple dragon fruit with white background. Tropical Fruit

Rich in antioxidants

Vitamin B1 & C

Red flesh

Purple dragon fruit with white background. Tropical Fruit

Red Dragon Fruit

Rich in antioxidants

Vitamin B1 & C

Red flesh

Pitahaya is a tropical fruit that has been dubbed the “dragon fruit” due to its scaly skin, and it belongs to the cactus family.

The fruit is available in three different varieties: red with white flesh, red flesh, and yellow.

The red-fleshed pitahaya, which contains small black edible seeds, is particularly popular because its red color.

Not only are red dragon fruits visually stunning and delicious, they are also incredibly beneficial for your health.

By consuming red pitahayas, you can acquire a significant amount of vitamin C, vitamin B1, and calcium, which can help you maintain a healthy body.

Furthermore, the pitahaya has a high level of antioxidants, which is believed to aid in the healing of wounds. 

The red dragon fruit is low in calories and high in fiber, which makes it an ideal healthy snack for those trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy diet.

The high levels of vitamin C in the fruit can help to boost the immune system and fight off infections.

Additionally, the pitahaya is known to aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy skin.


The red dragon fruit  is a tropical fruit that grows on a cactus.

It is native to Mexico, South and Central America, but it has been successfully cultivated in other parts of the world such as Southeast Asia, Israel, and Australia. 

Dragon fruit is known for its unique appearance, with a bright pink or yellow exterior and a white or red interior studded with black seeds.

Purple dragon fruit growing on a cactus


The tropical fruit red pitahaya is a unique and exotic appearance.

Its skin is covered in a striking pinkish-red color, with green scales that encase the fruity goodness inside.

The fruit has a soft, red flesh that is not only slightly sweet, but also contains black edible seeds that provide a satisfying crunch with each bite.

The refreshing taste of the red dragon fruit makes it a perfect treat on a hot summer day, and its unique flavor profile is sure to impress even the most discerning of palates.

The red dragon fruit can be consumed in many different ways. Some people prefer to eat the fruit on its own, while others like to mix it with other fruits in a salad or smoothie.

The red pitahaya can also be used as a topping for pancakes or waffles, or as a flavoring for ice cream or frozen yogurt.

Whatever your preference, the pitahaya is a delicious and nutritious fruit that is worth adding to your diet.

Sliced and whole purple dragon fruit on a wooden cutting board.


To keep pitahayas fresh for a longer period of time, it is important to ensure that they are stored in the refrigerator at all times.

This ensures that the fruit remains cool and dry, preventing any moisture from accumulating on the surface of the fruit. 

If you leave the red dragon fruit out in the open, it will quickly start to spoil and become inedible.

With proper storage, you can enjoy the sweet taste of dragon fruit for up to several days.


Rich in antioxidants

Wound healing

Good for your skin

Boosts immune system

Strengthens bones

Read the explanation of the health benefits here

Sliced (purple) dragon fruit laying on a table

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