Tropical Fruit Foodie

Reasons Why Young Coconuts are Incredibly Healthy

Green young coconut growing on a palm tree

First fact, as a warm-up. The coconut is NOT a nut but a stone fruit! This is an obvious assumption that it is a nut, makes sense, but no!

The brown coconut you buy in the supermarket is the seed of the coconut fruit. There is a strong and nutritious shell around it that is removed to reach the nut.

The famous fruit is a fruit known for thousands of years to be extremely nutritious. In particular, young coconuts, these are in fact unripe coconuts that are extremely healthy.

Overload of natural electrolytes, rich in vitamins and various minerals. Young coconuts are one of the best natural hydrators that exists.

Nutritional Health Facts about Young Coconuts

As mentioned, young coconuts are an excellent hydration for your body. Due to its high electrolyte balance, drinking coconut water prevents dehydration.

Additionally, the juice of the young coconut called, coconut water is very fresh and sweeter than brown coconuts. This makes drinking coconut water not only healthy but also very tasty!


As mentioned, young coconuts are an excellent hydration for your body. Due to its high electrolyte balance, drinking coconut water prevents dehydration.

Additionally, the juice of the young coconut called, coconut water is very fresh and sweeter than brown coconuts. This makes drinking coconut water not only healthy but also very tasty!


The tropical fruit is extremely nutritious and multi-use. The pulp called, coconut meat is where the nutrients found in coconut water come from.

The coconut meat and coconut water are both exceptionally healthful. Multiple studies have proven the health-promoting active substances found in coconut.

Fact, from the coconut meat, you can make coconut milk and use it in healthy recipes.

Low in sugar

Store-bought coconuts, which are more suitable for cured coconut meat, contain more sugar than the young coconut. This makes it the perfect fruit for people who need to watch their sugar intake.

Not only are these stone fruits lower in sugar, but young coconuts are richer in electrolytes, vitamins and minerals.

It also contains substances that slow down the aging process, this substance is called, cytokinins. Also, the pulp and coconut water of the young coconut is versatile to use in cooking.

For example, add young coconuts to your smoothies, fruit bowl or other healthy recipes.

Green young coconut on a white beach, incredibly healthy drink

Improves digestion

Fresh young coconut water, in addition to its amazing taste and high nutritional value, is hugely beneficial to gut flora.

This fruit has effective properties that fight inflammation in the stomach and intestines. This makes the fruit the solution for people who suffer from gastrointestinal pain.

Young coconuts contain a fatty acid called, lauric acid. This fatty acid fights fungi, viruses and radical bacteria in the body. This extremely boosts your immune system!

Can I drink too much Coco water in a day?

Young and fresh coconut water is the ultimate source of hydration and essential nutrients. Rich in vitamins and many minerals!

It is a popular drink in many countries because of its health benefits and because it is delicious and refreshing.

But how much can you drink at most, so that it remains healthy?
This question is unfortunately difficult to answer since young coconut is so tremendously healthy.

You can say the sugars are unhealthy, they are but the 6.23g is not that much. Also, they are natural sugars, these sugars compared to refined sugars, can be broken down.

Eating coconut can have adverse effects on your body though. Coconut meat has a high fat percentage of as much as 52% DV. This amounts to 33.49g.

Fortunately, the fats from a coconut are also natural and therefore degradable.

Below is a list of vitamins and minerals in coconut. Amounts are expressed in percentages to 100g, (3.5oz).

Overview nutrition value of young coconuts

As you can see, coconuts generally contain more minerals than vitamins. Above all, it is a tremendously healthy fruit that is available almost everywhere.

Please note these are the nutritional value of a normal coconut. The young coconut has many other general benefits and health advantages.

Where can you buy young coconut?

Fresh young coconuts are often hard to find outside tropical areas. Possibly Asian, South American supermarkets you will find them in the regular store assortment.

Freshness is most important when buying fruit. If you don’t buy fresh fruit, it is a waste of your money. You need to make sure you buy the fruit from a specialist.

As an author and fruit lover, I recommend that you buy tropical fruits from the online fruit box specialist,

The multifunctionality of palms and coconuts

These stone fruits are incredibly versatile. Not only are they a nutritious source of food and drink, but they also have many other uses.

For example, coconuts can serve as fruit bowls, cups or musical instruments. The round, hollow shape of coconut shells offers many possibilities.

Shredded coconut shells are also a nutritious and natural ground cover. Ground coconut shells, i.e. powder, promote plant growth. If you want to put down some plants, mix soil with ground coconuts and watch!

The pulp of coconuts is a popular ingredient in many beauty and skincare products. This is because of its rich moisturizing and nourishing properties. Coconut oil is a popular and famous product, usually made from 100% coconut.

Below is an infographic that gives you an insight into what all you can do with this amazing tropical plant!

Infographic about what to do with fresh coconuts
Infographic about how multifunctional coconuts and palm trees are

Source: Steemit

Now the leaves and stem!

Coconut fibers can be used to weave rope and textiles. Palm leaves are usually braided into baskets or used as roofing or steam pan.

The trunk is partly multifunctional and is often made into furniture, flooring or used as insulation. Palm wood is known for durability, strength and aesthetic qualities.

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