Tropical Fruit Foodie


Soursop with white background, tropical fruit

Rich in antioxidants

Contains vitamin B12

Boosts your energy

Soursop with white background, tropical fruit


Rich in antioxidants

Contains vitamin B12

Boosts your energy

The tropical fruit soursop also known as graviola is a popular fruit among fruit lovers. The fruit is known for its beauty, taste and health benefits.

The fruit has a yellow-green prickly skin, is large and can weigh up to 22lb.

It is a much discussed fruit, as people say it is the only source of natural vitamin B12. But scientists say not.

Soursop also has many effective active substances that protect nerve and blood cells in the blood. With that, consuming natural soursop can help counter serious diseases.


Soursop, or graviola, is a tropical fruit that comes from the soursop tree. This species of tree is native to Central America and the Caribbean.

Soursoptrees can grow 32 feet tall and produce fruits called, Soursop, The size of the fruits can vary tremendously from 5.9 inches to 13 inches.

Every part of this tropical tree can be used and all are extremely healthy!

Soursop hanging in a tree


Guanábana also called soursop have an impressively difficult to describe flavor. Thankfully, the taste is quite delicious!

The flesh is juicy and creamy at the same time. The taste is best compared to a lime, banana, pineapple and yogurt together.

You can eat soursop raw at any temperature but cold is best.

This tropical fruit is a great addition to many healthy recipes such as, smoothies, ice creams or tea.

In addition to being delicious to eat raw, soursops are also suitable in a wide range of hot meals.

Fresh soursop on a plate


When storing soursop, it is important to know that the fruit will not be damaged.

Let the fruit rest nicely at room temperature.

Usually when you buy a soursop online, it is ripe within a few days to one week.

You can smell and subtly press to feel if it is soft and smells slightly sour.

After cleaning, you can store the flesh of guanabana 1-2 in the refrigerator.

If you want to keep the pulp longer it is best to freeze it.


Natural anti-inflammatory

Boosts your energy

Good for your nerve system

Helps strengthen your bones

Great for digestive health

Read the explanation of the health benefits here

Soursop / Guanabana displaying on a wooden table

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