Tropical Fruit Foodie

The Difference Between Tropical and Exotic Fruits

Varied Tropical Fruit Box

It is difficult to know exactly what the differences are between tropical fruit and exotic fruit is.

They are difficult to distinguish because they both thrive in tropical climates.

What these fruits primarily have in common is that they are incredibly healthy.

In addition, these fruits are a perfect ingredient for healthy recipes.

Tropical fruit

The fruits that come under the term tropical fruit are native to South American, African and Asian countries.

Areas in these countries have a tropical climate with natural flora and fauna, where these plants can grow well.

With nutritious soil and perfect balance between rain and sun, Mother Nature produces healthy colorful fruits.

Exotic fruit

Exotic fruit, on the other hand, is fruit that is eaten in the country it is not originating from.

For example, granadillas, which originating from Colombia and are eaten in the United states.

The term exotic fruit is in fact a synonym for tropical fruit but the difference is in the place of consumption.

In other words, exotic fruit features the same properties as tropical fruit.

This allows you to take advantage of the beauty and health benefits of this fruit.

List of most famous tropical fruits.

This is a list of randomly selected tropical fruits that you may not yet be familiar with.

Each fruit has its own unique characteristics, taste and history.

The list below is meant to give you an insight into which fruits are both tropical and exotic.

Where to buy tropical and exotic fruit

Looking for high quality tropical fruits? If so, look online for a specialized tropical fruit webshop.

The reason for that is because they often ship fast and fresh.

It is important that the fruits you order are of high quality and not damaged as this has negative effects on its shelf life.

If you can’t figure it out. Then we recommend our personal favorite called,

They deliver fruit boxes, fast so you always have fresh fruit.

Clarify what the main difference is

The biggest and also the key factor of the differences between these tropical and exotic fruits is the location where they are consumed.

For example, a mango, when grown is a tropical fruit but exotic fruit, when the mango is imported and eaten by someone.

Besides that, these fruits are pleasing to the eye and can contribute a lot to your health.

The flavor diversity is enormously wide and goes from sweet to sour, bitter and everything in between.

This is precisely what makes these rare fruits worth discovering.

Tropical fruits expressed in numbers

Tropical fruit trading is a 24-hour business. Wholesalers, importers and exporters are in contact with suppliers from fruit producing countries day and night.

Many parties are involved, making it an active market.

The United States is the second largest importer of tropical fruit and has an important role.

Below is a screenshot with a pie chart showing a financial overview:

statistics tropical fruit import export
Financial overview of imports and exports in tropical fruits of the United States 2021.

Overview from:

These are the import and export statistics of the United States, expressed in percentages and dollars ($).

You can see that the US imported $4.32B of tropical fruit in 2021, 70.4% of came from Mexico.

The difference in ($) dollars is huge when you look at the $351M in exports.

The top destination of the exported tropical fruits is Canada, with almost 2/3 of the total, 64.4% of total revenue.

The only state that can grow tropical fruit

That large-scale trade is important to the economy, but fortunately there are many local fruit farmers today.

A lot of tropical fruits are grown in Florida, the reason is because it is the only state capable of doing so.

It has a nutritious soil and many hours of sunshine which creates the perfect environment for tropical fruits and plants to grow.

For this reason, Florida is an interesting area for tropical fruit farmers and a blessing for fruit lovers.

Below is a list of tropical fruits you could grow in Florida.

List of tropical fruits you can grow in Florida

If you have the desire to grow tropical fruits yourself, you need to figure out how this works.

Therefore, always make a list with what materials you need, where to buy them, and schedule when to do the tasks.

In addition, you need to study the plant species carefully so that you know what else they need besides love.

Therefore, always follow the steps of the specialists.

→ The pros and cons of growing tropical fruits in Florida, US.

The downside is that this part of the state has a rapidly changing climate which can make the weather too extreme.

Tropical fruits need constant high temperatures to grow successfully.

As mentioned earlier, Florida is the only state where tropical fruits can be grown naturally and commercially.

Unfortunately, due to unreliable weather, not all tropical fruits can be grown.

So can’t find your favorite? Not to worry! This tropical fruit specialist can provide you so you never run out.

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